97 research outputs found

    Big Data Dimensional Analysis

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    The ability to collect and analyze large amounts of data is a growing problem within the scientific community. The growing gap between data and users calls for innovative tools that address the challenges faced by big data volume, velocity and variety. One of the main challenges associated with big data variety is automatically understanding the underlying structures and patterns of the data. Such an understanding is required as a pre-requisite to the application of advanced analytics to the data. Further, big data sets often contain anomalies and errors that are difficult to know a priori. Current approaches to understanding data structure are drawn from the traditional database ontology design. These approaches are effective, but often require too much human involvement to be effective for the volume, velocity and variety of data encountered by big data systems. Dimensional Data Analysis (DDA) is a proposed technique that allows big data analysts to quickly understand the overall structure of a big dataset, determine anomalies. DDA exploits structures that exist in a wide class of data to quickly determine the nature of the data and its statical anomalies. DDA leverages existing schemas that are employed in big data databases today. This paper presents DDA, applies it to a number of data sets, and measures its performance. The overhead of DDA is low and can be applied to existing big data systems without greatly impacting their computing requirements.Comment: From IEEE HPEC 201

    Improving Big Data Visual Analytics with Interactive Virtual Reality

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    For decades, the growth and volume of digital data collection has made it challenging to digest large volumes of information and extract underlying structure. Coined 'Big Data', massive amounts of information has quite often been gathered inconsistently (e.g from many sources, of various forms, at different rates, etc.). These factors impede the practices of not only processing data, but also analyzing and displaying it in an efficient manner to the user. Many efforts have been completed in the data mining and visual analytics community to create effective ways to further improve analysis and achieve the knowledge desired for better understanding. Our approach for improved big data visual analytics is two-fold, focusing on both visualization and interaction. Given geo-tagged information, we are exploring the benefits of visualizing datasets in the original geospatial domain by utilizing a virtual reality platform. After running proven analytics on the data, we intend to represent the information in a more realistic 3D setting, where analysts can achieve an enhanced situational awareness and rely on familiar perceptions to draw in-depth conclusions on the dataset. In addition, developing a human-computer interface that responds to natural user actions and inputs creates a more intuitive environment. Tasks can be performed to manipulate the dataset and allow users to dive deeper upon request, adhering to desired demands and intentions. Due to the volume and popularity of social media, we developed a 3D tool visualizing Twitter on MIT's campus for analysis. Utilizing emerging technologies of today to create a fully immersive tool that promotes visualization and interaction can help ease the process of understanding and representing big data.Comment: 6 pages, 8 figures, 2015 IEEE High Performance Extreme Computing Conference (HPEC '15); corrected typo

    Graphulo Implementation of Server-Side Sparse Matrix Multiply in the Accumulo Database

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    The Apache Accumulo database excels at distributed storage and indexing and is ideally suited for storing graph data. Many big data analytics compute on graph data and persist their results back to the database. These graph calculations are often best performed inside the database server. The GraphBLAS standard provides a compact and efficient basis for a wide range of graph applications through a small number of sparse matrix operations. In this article, we implement GraphBLAS sparse matrix multiplication server-side by leveraging Accumulo's native, high-performance iterators. We compare the mathematics and performance of inner and outer product implementations, and show how an outer product implementation achieves optimal performance near Accumulo's peak write rate. We offer our work as a core component to the Graphulo library that will deliver matrix math primitives for graph analytics within Accumulo.Comment: To be presented at IEEE HPEC 2015: http://www.ieee-hpec.org
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